Your retail environment processes large amounts of cash that can build up in the till, leaving your staff vulnerable to theft. The Chubbsafes Omega Deposit is a reliable solution that enables your employees to easily transfer money from tills to a secure location, even when a manager or other key holder is not present.
Mark Brookes, Global Product Manager for Safes and Cabinets, presents the product features of the OMEGA DEPOSIT.
The Omega Deposit is built with a 10mm steel door, 6mm steel frame and 20mm diameter steel locking bolts, providing a good burglary protection.
*Dimensions exclude handle and hinge projections. Deposit opening measures 80mm high x 265mm wide x 220mm deep.
Axon Business Systems LLC
Since 1963, Axon Business Systems LLC has been a trusted provider of security safes, integrated security solutions, office automation, and signage technology across the Gulf region. We proudly serve discerning organizations and individuals with the highest quality products and services.
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